...the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.Matthew 20:28 NIV
Jesus is our role model. As he came to serve others, we seek to serve others, whether that be in the church community, the wider communities in which we live and work, or the wider world. We believe that everyone has a calling in God, everyone has a ministry. We are all part of a spiritual family growing together, learning together and seeking to serve others together.
Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. ...1 Peter 4:10-11, NIV
Serving in the church family
There are many opportunities to serve – Welcome team, Tea and Coffee team, Tech team, Children and Youth teams, Pastoral team, Prayer ministry team, Preaching team, Worship team and Prophetic team. However we do not “pounce” on newcomers- we encourage folk to spend time settling in, getting to know us, and listening to how God is asking them to serve.
Serving in the communities in which we live and work
We currently run Stay and Play (a group for babies, pre-school toddlers and their grown-ups) in our building on Tuesdays 10-11.30am. We also host many other local clubs such as Guides, Scottish Country Dancing, Stocksfield Retired Men’s Association, Prudhoe Community Choir.
We also seek to get involved in the local community outside our building; we have contributed to planning and manning the Stocksfield Festival, have run CAP money courses in Prudhoe and are currently setting up a community wellbeing café in Prudhoe. This will run at the Riverside café once a week, a place where “it OK to not be OK” and where we can support those who are vulnerable, isolated or lonely.
Serving in the wider world
We have active links with BMS missionaries in Spain, The Smiles foundation in Romania and are an Open Door partner, seeking to pray for and support persecuted Christians around the world. Our youth group, plus adult members of the church have been on three mission trips to Romania to serve people living in poverty to bring practical help, love and care. We are also developing a Ukrainian ministry to help support those hosting Ukrainian families in the area.